It's always a challenge to keep projects going. So often funders are looking for programmes and projects to eventually become self funding. I can understand the logic of that position. The trouble is some programmes will never be self funding because they aim to serve the most vulnerable in our communities. One of these vulnerable groups are children. The prospects of tax credits being cut, means that many more children in low income families will find themselves in a vulnerable place. I truly believe the next few years are going to hit the poorest and most deserving of help.  All this preamble leads me to highlight a need that we are facing here in Bo'ness.

We run a fantastic children’s support programme out of St Andrew’s Church of Scotland Bo’ness. The project has been funded by "BBC Children In Need" for the past eight years and has also received funding from 'Inspiring Scotland'. It has been acclaimed  and applauded by all the primary schools in our community as a programme that is making a huge difference in the lives of children.

This year our funding from "Children in Need" was unsuccessful. The feedback given was that our application was an excellent one but the fund was over subscribed.  From our perspective we had received funding for eight years in a row and it seems only fair others should get their turn. This of course means that our project is in danger of closing unless we can find some additional funds.

We made the headlines in the local newspaper two weeks ago, the appeal was headed up by the local primary schools and their head teachers. Since the appeal has begun we have received over £12,000, £10,000 has come from a funder who wishes us to share our best practice with others.  However we can only do this if we can raise enough to reach our target of £30,000.

I thought I'd write about this amazing programme in the hope that some of my readers might be willing to donate to the work. If this is something that you feel strikes a chord, go to click on the donate button and make your donation.  If you feel led to make a more substancial donation by cheque it can be made out to Bounce Higher St Andrew's Bo'ness. You might also like to read about some of things we are attempting to do through Bounce Higher. You can read more of this on the Bounce Higher webpage. If you could  encourage friends and family to make a small donation  we would be so grateful. I convinced that across a large group of people  we can raise the necessary funds.  Meanwhile I have a small team of people working hard filling out applications to bring on board some new funders. If you have any comments  challenging or encouraging, I'd be glad to hear from you. If you'd prefer to make a direct payment into our account here are the details. Bounce Higher  Sort Code 83-91-46 Account No 10400503


Posted By: Richard Rutte   On: 19 Nov 2015   At: 10:52am

Being an adoptive parent we how important it is to have support available when things don’t go as you expect. Hearing Barbara speaking about how she got involved and how it changed her life has been indeed very inspiring. We cannot afford to loose Bounce Higher!


Posted By: Albert   On: 13 Nov 2015   At: 9:23pm

I’m looking for a miracle. I know there are many people out there who can help. So I’m confident that the one who started this work will provide the means through generous people.


Posted By: dianne collins   On: 12 Nov 2015   At: 8:02pm

Albert,  in response to this I would like to add a personal perspective on just how significant Bounce Higher has become in my life for the past 6 years, in particular,  and it simply seems unjust for it to fold when the need is greater than ever.  The after school group time is enjoyed by over 100 children that we work with. Often being the one constant part of their life where there are multiple changes in other areas of their lives. That’s the part that I’m trying to grapple with….. having to tell those very children who who have grown to trust us and identify with the group that we too are closing a door.

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