A Challenge to Change

It will be fascinating to see the outcome of the "change jam jars" as we continue with the Discipleship Challenge. Its interesting to note that our loose change is another man's daily wage. img_0249 I remember speaking to a man who lived in the Attacama desert. He lived in a shanty town outside the city of Ica. We were giving him free water from the back of the worst lorry Ive ever seen. img_0258 He told me he earned 5 soles a day working in the esparragus fields. In our money that is about £1.00. He continued to tell me that his neighbour had been unwell recently and that life had been difficult for his friend. He found himself trying to help his friend to buy the medicine he needed. It left him very little to live off on a daily basis. When I think I'm hard done by I often recall that conversation. What made it more memorable was that I well remember my friend David Lacy in tears as he translated the conversation. We never quite make the connection about poverty until we are face to face with it. On another note all together we've just finished the latest Church without Walls video. We hope to give every commissioner at the General Assembly this year a copy of this DVD. I hope they are all inspired by the story. Its such a bonus having Sanctus Media working out of the church. We're able to work in a close collaborative way and turn commissions around really quickly. Giving out a compilation DVD highlighting the work of CWW, Mission and the Church's HIV Project may turn out to be an innovation that can be adopted by the other Councils of the Church. If your interested in seeing our SANCTUS MEDIA promotional video check it out at www.sanctusmedia.com Discipleship Council
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