Bo'nesss Churches Working Together.

There's a lot happening in Bo'ness this weekend, especially around the churches. Its great when Christians from different felowships work together and come together for prayer and encouragement. This morning in St Catharine's the little Scottish Episcopal Church on Cadzow Avenue there will be a joint morning of prayer. Its going to be lead by various people from all our congregations in Bo'ness. I also believe that there is a "Woman Only" event taking place in St Andrew's. Erica Bonnar and Monica Kellock have been working hard to get the woman in St Andrew's together for fellowship . I hope this goes well. Tomorrow evening we will have another joint service in St Andrew's at 6.30pm. We're delighted to welcome Dr Murdo MacDonald to come and lead our thoughts on the very controversial topic "End of Life Issues" I think this is going to be a very informative service but also one in whicheople willbe enouraged to stay behind if they so desire and have some prayer and ministry. I think manypeople re carrying very heavy and difficult burdens. Too often people who are ill or who have family who are ill don't talk about what is happening to them. This is an opportunity to begin to bring things out into the open and share some ofthese anxieties, but also receive some prayer and practical support.
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