Divorce never easy when it comes to your door.

Some people when it comes to a wedding just don't get off to a good start. Just take a look at this video, everything seems to be going well until the best man falls for the bride. [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/K0DmtmmFEVo" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] This morning I tackled the difficult subject of divorce in a sermon. The sermon will go up on the church web page tomorrow if your interested in listening to it go to www.standonline.org.uk I'm not sure that I completely answered the question, "How do Christians cope with divorce"  because in many ways no one really copes with the pain and loss that divorce brings.  I was highlighting the additional pain that Christians encounter  because we believe that marriage is an act within God's creation itself when he brings two people together and recreates them as one although they will remain two quite distinct identities. Quoting from Matthew 19 where it says " Those who God has joined together let not man put asunder ", I pose the question, is there a place then within the Christian liturgy for a service that allows couples the space to face up to their divorce and invite God to release them from their  covenant. Since God has joined them surely it is only God who can release them? This has been part of a series of sermons looking at marriage in relation to other types of relationships that seem to becoming more acceptable in today's society. I think we as ministers, and indeed the church in general have job of work to do to convince young people that marriage is an honourable and trustworthy relationship. I also think those of us who are married have a special responsibility to show that marriage can work and that it can and should be a blessing rather than a curse.

Posted By: italker   On: 30 Jul 2009   At: 4:56am


Your right the video has nothing to do with divorce. However it might have been an omen of things to come for this couple.  I like your comment about mediation. Too often in this country it is more like a formal “tick the box” exercise, rather than a genuine understanding of what is required to move on.


Posted By: Liz   On: 29 Jul 2009   At: 4:37pm

When I first saw the reference to the video and “wedding,” I was SURE you were going to have the famous MN wedding video of the bridal party dancing down the aisle—couldn’t figure out how that factored into divorce! Answer—it doesn’t. I do think some people enter into marriage without a clue as to the commitment involved. And I think others try their hardest to honor that commitment and, for whatever reason, have to break the bond. The divorced people Iknow have lived through much pain—it wasn’t easy at all.

I also am a firm believer in   mediation in divorce cases as a way of lessening the pain and stress and costs. “Divorced Mediation from the Inside Out” is one of the best explanations to date of how divorced mediation can bring about excellent resolutions quickly, and with less cost.


Posted By: jackie   On: 13 Jul 2009   At: 5:51pm

Divorce effects everybody whatever age, and we need to consider the children of divorced parents,  either old or young,  my parents divorced when I was 40 years,  and being a Christian it was hard to work through,  the pain and hurt is different from young kids but still it brings strange feelings and family life is never the same for me or my children,  but there is never any blame on anybody.  just support and love.

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