Doubters Annonymous

"Look Lord I've had enough, I'm no hero.No miracle worker.I'm like all the rest of my family.When its gets tough I always run away" - Bogle Paraphrase 1 Kings 19. 4
Lord I take heart when I see You don't write off doubters like me. I also take heart when I realise Sarah. Abraham's wife she doubted, she even smiled, incredulously, when she was told she would have a child in old age. Moses not only doubted but argued his point with you, when you called him to lead a group of slaves to freedom. There was a whole group of Israelis, a generation who lost the plot –didn't believe, but you never gave up on their children. Oh and Elijah that great pillar of faith! When he had a nervous breakdown, because he was afraid hiding in a cave, you taught him, that signs and wonders, speak to the novice, but it's the' still small voice', that engages a determined disciple. Lord. I'm glad I can speak to you I'm amazed you listen You know I believe I often doubt because I want to believe. I don't try to believe because I'm afraid to doubt. I just need to be honest -even about my doubt Help me with my unbelief. Forgive me when i turn bread into stones.
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