Faith offers an alternative economics

I hope you enjoy this video. I came across a reference to it on the Jim Wallis blog. Its really topical when we think of the fact that the Prime Minster here in the UK has been floating the idea that the whole world banking system need to be reformed. I'm sure this idea of Jubilee on wall Street is a step too far for Gordon, but it does challenge us all to a more radical lifestyle. [kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] Could it be that our political leaders could be influenced to make changes in the way we reward people. I heard Gordon Brown speak this morning about making sure that people got rewarded for their hard work and not because they took risks with others people's money. Got me thinking, its not only the fat cats in the banking sector, that earn rediculous wages. What about the fat cats in the sporting world, where people get paid thousands of pounds a week for kicking a ball around a park or playing a game of tennis. The irony of all this is that it is the working man who sees fit to watch the matches and pay the wages. Perhaps the whole idea of wages caping for sports personalities might not be a bad thing. It might become more popular as clubs tighten their belts in the midst of this credit crunch. So will the Prime Minister do something about the ridiculous wins that happen with the lottery. Lottery winner are certainly not being rewarded for hard work. It seems to me if the fat cats in the city are being forced to diet maybe it will have a knock on effect for the good in all sectors.
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