Getting it Right For Every Child and their Grandparents.

I've been reflecting on some of the comments made about my last post, especially about volunteering. The fact is volunteering was the way that some of our present staff got their job here in St Andrew's Bo'ness. A good numbers started off simply as volunteers and as the work progressed they worked themselves into a job. I know its not easy for employers to find the cash to pay young people, but I think it would be important for congregations who would employ a young person to pay them at least the national minimum wage. I'm convinced that there would be no shortage of opportunities to create jobs if congregations throughout the land started to think more radically. Looking around our congregations some of the more radical thinkers are among the older age groups. I think its because they realise from experience that opportunities for change and growth need to be seized. We all need to remember that the Church of Scotland is, I would guess by far the largest volunteering organisation in Scotland. We may well be the largest charity, with over 1800 buildings or branches throughout the country. At the last count I think we had over 40,000 elders and around 600,000 members all potential volunteers with amazing networks and connections. Now I know we used to have larger numbers but it is all pretty impressive when you compare these numbers to the numbers attached to political parties. Take for instance the Tory Party in Scotland, I believe they have around 8,000 members,the SNP I'm sure will have no more that 20,000 and Labour may well be the same. You might ask the question. Why is it then that we have so many politicians on the airwaves and so little space given to people of faith? We might want to ask why are political party conferences still broadcast, who actually listens to them. I think the ratings will be very low. Here is another interesting comment, at least I think it is. We no longer seem to have regular Christian acts of worship broadcast from Scotland on a weekly basis, yet more people still attend church on a Sunday than those who attended football at the weekend. Yet we have highlights from the football. Why not have highlights from Cchurches round the country? Now there's a thought. One thing is for certain we'd all have to "upt our game". So what am i saying, I think we need to stop apologising for numbers in church, and we need to celebrate and encourage those who come along faithfully. Their witness can make a huge difference in their families and neighbourhoods. I also believe it is from the older generation that we could get the support to encourage the church to become an employer of youth. I see no reason why, with so much unemployment we an't have our churches open on a daily basis for people to drop in and have a bit of fellowship and drink a coffee. The Church's COSY Cafe idea might take off in a new way. You know i think if we get grandparent's fired up to do something for their grandchildren that would be a pretty powerful lobby! The picture I've posted highlights for me what it means to be together as church. Its not just about church for young people, or church for old people, or church for members. Its church for all, even those who don't attend services.
1 Comment

Posted By: Mike Munro   On: 5 Dec 2011   At: 8:39pm

It always amuses me how non-believers, particularly in the press, can tell us how much the church is in decline without any involvement. Challenged a journalist in one of the national dailys to come and spend a week at St Andrews and then tell me we are in decline. Offer never accepted !

I think the Cosy Cafe idea would go down well, making church easier to access and share a problem, also maybe able to have reflective time in the sanctuary outwith church services.I would certainly devote time to it during the week.

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