Glasgow Cathedral And The Jubilee Invokes Memories

Let me continue with last week's story this week. Hopefully, I'll catch up with the rest of this week in a day or two. You can imagine that there is a tremendous amount of planning that goes into a Royal Service at the Cathedral. I must pay tribute to all the people who participated from the police to the Cathedral staff. Bill Shedden the Cathedral Beadle was particularly helpful to me on the day. We got on well especially, when we discovered we had lived around the corner from each other as children in Glasgow. If others had prepared for the day so had the preacher. I sent the readings and the theme into the organisers months ago. On the Monday before I preached, I attended a rehearsal taking place in the Cathedral. Its an important service and helpful to know whats what. Well you can imagine my delight as I looked around the Cathedral to discover the cross above the communion table was depicting the first of the three metaphors, I was to preach upon. Yes painted on the centre of the cross is a round circle and in the circle is a lamb. The lamb upon the cross is the lamb upon the throne mentioned in Revelation. I took that as a wonderful sign that the message I had prepared was wholly appropriate and had been affirmed if not by God at least by the building itself. It depicts the paradox of power in the Gospel. " He who would be great among you must become the servant of all." It's funny how you forget things. The beadle asked me if it was the first time I had preached in e Cathedral. I replied yes. In fact I was wrong. but it's all about association. I remember being licenced as a preacher over 30 years ago in the Cathedral. In fact The last time I preached in the Cathedral was in June 2000. It was part of the Scottish Cathedral Cycle Challenge. This was a fund raiser that we arranged from Bo'ness to celebrate the Millennium. It was actually a fantastic week. Around 12 of us cycled over 300 miles in five days. We raised over £12,000 and that was the seed money that started SAMYP which has eventually morphed into two very separate identities, namely Avenue and Sanctus Media. In the year 2000 the Cathedral Cycle Challenge ended up in Glasgow Cathedral. It was a fantastic night. We were joined by Marilyn Brett and Craig ? from Hillsongs. Over 400 people were in the Cathedral that night, as we invited worshippers to come forward for the anointing of oil and also to receive a stone. Reminding us that the life journey we take requires us all to encounter hard and difficult places, but the oil of the Spirit renews and strengthens us. The stone can be a stone in our shoe or a stone of resurrection and renewal. This time it was a different kind of service. The next day was the Order of the Thistle. T his took place in St Giles Cathedral. It was a very meaning service based around prayer and scripture. In which Prince William vowed to defend and uphold the Christian religion and also swore loyalty to the Queen. The prayers that were written and read by the Dean of the Thistle we're beautifully simple and sincere and I'm sure had an effect on all of us who attended. the readings from The Gospel of Matthew reminding us that it is easy to go down the broad way but more difficult to find the narrow way was more than effective on its own without comment or sermon. The one thing I regret was forgetting to wait to see the hundred pipers that paraded down the Royal Mile in the afternoon. However I was delighted to have been at the Royal Mile just a few weeks earlier to cheer on Claire Tattersal one of the Olympic torch bearers and a member of St Andrew's Bo'ness.

Posted By: Mike Munro   On: 10 Jul 2012   At: 7:33pm

Wrong side of Oban, Albert, this was on the way in after Tyndrum. You kept to the right side of the road going down, and we were all waiting for something coming up!

Been also down the other side as well, where you did come off, and back up Loch Awe side. Great memories.


Posted By: italker   On: 10 Jul 2012   At: 6:22pm

What I do remember is the back wheel buckling and coming off the bike at a point where there was a burst pipe spurting water all over the road. SAs always Mike you had it covered out came the spare cycle from the van and we continued on our way


Posted By: Mike Munro   On: 10 Jul 2012   At: 6:06pm

I travel the road in the main picture often, going to Oban when at my caravan. There is one bit we call Bogle Brae, just past the Pass of Brander, remembering you going down hairpins thinking you were on the continent !!


Posted By: Louise Hankin   On: 10 Jul 2012   At: 2:10pm

Marilyn was accompanied by Craig Gower on keyboards during the Cathedral Challenge services.  I remember him well.

Managed to see the Thanksgiving service on the internet live.  Heidi (almost 2) fell asleep in my arms as soon as you started your sermon…but I thought you did great!  I’m sure your Mum was looking down with a big smile on her face, her Albert preaching to the Queen and the nation.


ps Hope you had fun at T in the Park.

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