iPhone X-ray Function !

Just found the amazing iPhone function that allow you to take xray pictures. How cool is that! Now in case you don't believe me here is the proof. I'd like to thank everyone for all their messages of good will. I've been quite touched by the kindness of my friends and family. I also appreciate how a number of elders have stepped in to help out with pastoral duties including conducting a funeral. We are so blessed at St Andrew's with people who step up to the plate when required. Its so frustrating not being able to use both hands. This morning for instance, what a scramble I had trying to butter a piece of toast. Trying to have a shower was easier with the plaster. You see there is no plaster on the arm now just a big bandage and a sling. Its also a lot more painful now that the wires are in place. Hopefully that will settle down before I venture up to Aiemore on Sunday. Talking about broken bones, here's a song from Soustarr recorded a few years ago reflecting on the plight of being wounded. Broken Bones

Posted By: I Love Pee   On: 4 Aug 2009   At: 6:55am

I should email u about it.


Posted By: Jim S   On: 10 Jan 2009   At: 10:55am

So you’ve found a use for your old ‘John Lennon’ specs !

Amazing technology -  has Gadgetvicar got one of these?

Take care.  xx


Posted By: Helmut   On: 9 Jan 2009   At: 5:18pm

Definitely wire frame glasses!

And there is a mending song in one of the Bagpuss stories, and weird as this looks, we might just ask Bagpuss…look what I bring…

Sorry we cannot be of any help from the distance!


Posted By: Lilias   On: 9 Jan 2009   At: 4:47pm

Oh my goodness, whit is that!! it looks like a tangled up wire coathanger!

Good to hear your feeling better.  Mind and ask if your needin help.


CU soon

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