Its Gonna be Alright

burden_closeupI'm amazed at some of the people I have had the privilege to meet in the course of my life as a minister of the gospel. On Sunday we were talking about the great burdens people carry. I'm often moved to tears when I see pictures like this one. In India and Peru, people literally carrying on their backs burdens that they hope will eventually feed themselves and their family. The human capacity to deal with major disappointments and still survive is quite inspirational. When this is mixed with faith it moves from inspirational to the miraculous. The power of the Holy Spirit at work in a man or woman's life can turn feeble weak willed people into what can only be called spiritual giants. Too often their stories are never told because of the hurt and pain that would be involved in the retelling. So if your going through a time of trial or disappointment don't allow yourself the luxury of thinking you will never survive. Yes you will and you'll be even stronger. A few years ago I re-recorded a song I sang in the 70s. It was written by a friend of mine Jim Sommerville, when re-recording the song I asked his permission to change the lyrics in the verses. Here it is I hope it is encouragement to someone out there tonight who just might be feeling a little vulnerable. Click Here

Posted By: vpcano   On: 9 Jun 2009   At: 7:21am

this is a wonderful message of encouragement and a wonderful song. It is a belssing to hear it and to know that it can provide solace to many people. thank you for posting it.


Posted By: Erica   On: 9 Jun 2009   At: 1:06am

Sanctuary First was amazing last night! It was an opportunity to tie up loose ends, put down burdens and release unnecesary pains being carried around.

The Scribbling in the sand was a real demonstration of our obedience, and need to, repent and as it the tablet was wiped clean we were reminded of all the blessings God has in store for us….for they would out number every grain!


A wonderful service, thank you to all the team who put so much effort to create such an intimate environment where we could meet and be blessed by God!


Love and thanks for you!

E x

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