Keeping Focus

View Lord, Here I am Looking out the window. The view is always changing. Keeping focus isn't all that easy There are so many distractions on the way. Its sometimes hard to keep my eye on you. I don't want to look elsewhere but there are so many voices, different offers - Discipleship diversions I call them. I know the wrong relationships will hold me back, but sometimes it is so appealing, just for once to think about myself, my dreams my life. Doing the right thing all the time is so demanding, its not feasible, it gets lonely. Sometimes I think I'm he only one following. It feels like I'm in a wilderness. Cut off. Stranded. Facing temptation. Surrounded with stones. Living in a hard place. So what would I give for a bit of fame? A bit of power? A bit of recognition? Turn stones into bread ? Sell my soul to the devil? Lord I think you've been here yourself I mean in my wilderness. You passed this test long ago. You couldn't be bought. You couldn't be flattered. You kept close to your Father. You listened to His Word Lord I'm listening I'm going to keep focused.
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