Looking For Happiness

Just finished picking the set of songs for my radio show later on today. I love this opportunity to get behind a microphone and share some music and tell stories and speak with my guests. Today's guest is Stuart Murdoch the Baptist minister in the town. I think we'll have a bit of banter. It will be a great show. I hope that Lilias will also be able to join me as part of the production team. Lilias is really chatty and good at answering the emails that come in from time to time while your on the air. I've got a kind of theme in my head for tomorrow. We're all in search of this theme but too often we don't quite find it. And when we do it seems to just disappear. Anyway I thought I'd play a track from Blue Nile.Here is Paul Buchanan singing [kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/8ThttoLfmGs" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /] I just think this is a great song. So if your around check out Valley FM on 87.7 or if you are not in reach of this frequency why noot go to Valley FM Web site and listen in.
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