So Why Are You Carrying This Burden?

IMG_0907.JPG Its amazing what you see on the road when your out and about around Bo'ness. I'm staggered at the weight of things that get transported on our roads.  Here's a steam engine being pulled by a lorry. The lorry is having a rest in a lay-by outside Bo'ness. Got me thinking about the shear weight of troubles and worries that we all transport around in our lives. We literally carry rubbish in our heads and feelings in our hearts  that should have been dumped years ago.   I'm just thinking I  had a boot load of rubbish rattling around in  the car for a day before I took it to the skip. It was most annoying rattling about in the boot , especially when I was turning corners. Its the same with our emotional and psychological  rubbish, it always reminds us of its existence, especially when we're trying to change the direction of our lives. The answer is simply take it to the skip and have a clear out. Yes dump the lot. You'll feel a lot better. Why pull a steam train on a road when it was meant to go on rails. We do carry strange things around with us.  I like what Jesus said about troubles and worries. I've paraphrased it below. IMG_0911.JPGBOGLE'S PARAPHRASE Drop into my lay-by if your carrying a huge heavy weight, even if its the size of a steam train, I'll deal with it. I'll give you rest from that burden. I'll send you on your way feeling different about everything. I'll put you on the right track . Before long  the burden will be carrying you. Is that not what steam trains are made to do?  Matt 11. 28-30
1 Comment

Posted By: virginia   On: 19 Jul 2009   At: 1:07am

it is not so easy just to dump them. There is a reason why we have been carrying the rubbish for so long….I agree that dumping the rubbish is the ideal, but how do you get to recognise it is rubbish in the first place and not the crutch that has allowed you to survive for years on end?

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