The Rural Church in Transition

 sheep.jpgTomorrow I'm off to Lockerbie  speak to a group of church leaders about the National Gathering.  this is  great opportunity to encourage  rural congregations to get involved in what is going to be the biggest Christian event of the year. The rural church just like churches in the urban areas, are also facing the challenge of transition. We are living in a society that is having to face the changes that technology brings to all our communities. One big change that has impacted the rural communities is the loss of the Post Office. Technology has made it possible for many of the services that the local Post Office delivered to be rendered obsolete. Yet the one thing that the Post Office offered that technology can't was a place of community. I believe this  is a challenge that many local congregations are picking up.  Some churches  seeking to find ways to make the church become the centre of the community. It will be interesting to listen to the challenges and the successes of those who work in the less populated areas of the country. I believe the National Gathering can be of great service to those living in the more remote areas.I think the Gathering   gives  a chance to  so many people in different denominations to get together and share their common interest in following Jesus. Its often hard to persuade church leaders of the value of a gathering like this, mainly because they are often struggling with issues in the church at a local level and they have very little energy left to promote events outside their parish.If only they could understand it is often when we lift our eyes beyond where we are, that we become inspired to make a difference at home. i find this all the time when I'm travelling.  I see things and hear things from which i can learn. i hope that tomorrow is successful and that I'm given the grace to listen to the concerns and struggles of others as well as trying to lift hearts and minds to see the vision of Church Without Walls.   
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