Advent Meditations

posted: 9 Dec 2007 comments: 0category:

We had an interesting service this evening looking at four Advent Meditation centred around Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. We were exploring how we can create in our homes opportunities to live out the meaning of these words. Last year we made the following video clips to help explore these themes.
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Forgive us our debts

posted: 8 Dec 2007 comments: 3category:

Tomorrow is the second Sunday in Advent. I've chosen four great phrases from the Lord's Prayer as our themes for Advent. I guess I'd like all in St Andrew's Bo'ness to see the importance of prayer being at the centre of the vision we have as being a community that is seeking to live an alternative way from the world around us. Last week we looked at "Your Kingdom Come!" For those who are extra keen you can get the whole sermon by  clicking here. This week we look at...
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Has the Pope still to meet Grace?.

posted: 8 Dec 2007 comments: 8category:

_44284268_pope_ap_203b.jpg   I must confess that I was somewhat astonished to read about the Pope offering Indulgences to the faithful. I thought this aspect of the Roman Catholic Faith had somewhat disappeared. However it would appear not to be so. The following article outlines the Pope's offer of reduced punishment in Purgatory if pilgrimages are made to Lourdes during a specific period in the year 2008. It sounds quite bizarre to me. Hear is the article . This got me thinking about...
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The Advent Prayer Tree

posted: 6 Dec 2007 comments: 0category:

tree.jpg   I've had a busy couple of days. Today I spent a good few hours at meetings in 121. Its all part of being Presbyterian. We had a really productive meeting about Re-energise3 I think the conference in January is going to be absolutely amazing. Anyway its back to getting ready for Sunday. The theme I'm preaching on is the phrase from the Lord's Prayer "forgive us our debts" We've got a mediation to prepare on the topic. Hopefully You'll get an opportunity to look at it...
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