BBC Report St Andrew's Bo'ness Streaming to iPads

posted: 14 Jun 2010 comments: 1category:

It was encouraging to everyone involved with the streaming out of the worship service today to have the appoval of one of Apple's Senior Directors. In an email to me last week he wrote about our plan to stream out the weekly service to iphones ipads and ipods Mark Rogers writes "A nice project, yet again you are an early adopter of the technology, a great piece of innovation, hope all goes well." The great thing is that it did go well. It looks like we had around...
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Edinburgh 2010 to Glasgow Praise Gathering 2010

posted: 7 Jun 2010 comments: 0category:

Looking through the photograohs on my iphone this weekend just reminded me of all the excellent experiences that I was able to enjoy over the past few days. It was a real privelege to be able to attend the 2010 Edinburgh Missionary Conference and begin to write about some of the important issues that still face the World Church today one hundred years after the first memorable Conference in 1910. I certainly have a lot of material that could fill up a few posts on the...
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Know Yourself Know Your Sermon?

posted: 20 May 2010 comments: 0category:

Written as a contribution to the Lausanne Conversation on Preaching Part 3 Does preaching still have a role to play in the emerging church? In fact does preaching still have a role to play in all of our churches.? While our communication revolution invites us to continue to reflect upon the way we participate and respond to God's Word . I want to suggest that preaching has a unique place in the communication of the gospel . Words and the power of rhetoric...
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Election Fever Touches Bo'ness

posted: 29 Apr 2010 comments: 0category:

It was good to see a reasonable crowd of people attend the local husting which we were hosting tonight in St Andrew's Parish Church Bo'ness. If you want to see the recording check out I think it will be up for a few days perhaps over the weekend. The technical side of the event was managed by Sanctus Media and it looks as though those watching on the internet were delighted with the result. Much of the success of the evening must also be...
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posted: 6 Mar 2010 comments: 5category:

Your Mouse is Fast We all know that we are living in a fast moving world. If we knew just how fast perhaps it would scare us all to death. I guess the greatest impact of speed on all of our lives over the past twenty years has been the meteoric rise of the internet. . The truth is there is nothing much faster than a mouse. Click and your there. Its like a huge big brain that we can all access in order to communicate and with which to communicated. Who would have...
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